Goods and services tax is also popularly known by it’s short form ‘GST’. It is mandatory for companies to have a valid goods and services tax registration.

ET Management services is one of the top filing agents that has a lot of experience with the GST. There are a lot of laws regarding GST which ET Management services keeps up to date with.

What We Will Help You On All Your GST Needs

Did you know you can apply to be GST registered without having a turnover of S$1M?

Did you know you HAVE TO be GST registered if your turnover hits S$1M and you have to backpay GST to IRAS even though you have not charge them to your customers?

Contact us today!

We are Accredited Tax Advisors for GST and Income Tax, we can assist in your ASK or ACAP audits.

Contact us today!

A Team of Chartered Accounts & Accredited Tax Advisors.

We provide value for money services with our very reasonable rates.

A Team of Chartered Accounts & Accredited Tax Advisors.

We provide value for money services with our very reasonable rates.